Facing My Demons . . .

. . . Thank you to all who have written with kind and helpful words of support, both about my ‘problem’ and their own. Also, to hear that my Bipolar Article has been of help for others in coming-to-terms with various issues, has brought a tear to my eye. Thank you.

I’m especially indebted to a reader of the Street Photography Blog (you know who you are 🙂 ) who sent me a selection of Meditative literature. As a result of this, I was able to summon the courage to once again grab a camera and hit the streets. Cheers mate.

To that end, I am now writing this post whilst enjoying a coffee outside a Starbucks in Chester. So far it’s been a very enjoyable experience, despite feeling a little detached from reality – floating on a cloud so to speak.

street photography uk photographer kevin shelley prints for sale leica m2 voigtlander 50 1.5

All being well, there should be some cool shots ‘in the can’ and on the blog, soon.

Seasonal Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Street Photography . . .

. . . This is without a doubt the most difficult article I’ve ever had to write. Not so much because of the ‘personal’ nature of the subject matter, rather ‘because’ of the debilitating effects of the subject matter itself . . .

. . . It’s been a bit quiet here on the Street Photography Blog of late. Indeed it struck me that I hadn’t posted anything for the whole of October – even September consisted only of ‘bulletins’ regarding interviews and features. Nor for that matter had I taken any pictures. In fact, at no point had any of my cameras been out of the bag for the last 10 weeks or so. Even the ‘Chicken Shed’ darkroom, that warm and cosy outhouse of brick and slate had remained locked and in darkness (much to the relief of the resident spiders).

Sorry, I tell a lie. I did actually go to Manchester with the Leica M6 about 8 weeks ago, with the aim of spending a couple of days shooting on the streets. Sadly, it all took a sudden and upsetting downturn from thereon.

Continue reading “Seasonal Bipolar Disorder, Depression and Street Photography . . .”

A Feature Length Interview in Inspired Eye Magazine – Issue 15 . . .

Once again, many thanks and huge appreciation to Don Springer and Olivier Duong of Inspired Eye Magazine for the wonderful 18-page interview and photographs in Issue 15 of their exceptional publication. This issue features interviews and photography from 9 photographers, Essays, Readers Gallery and Travel Writing.

Click Here (not a pay-per-click, just a link) to buy the bumper 165-page Issue 15 now for just $4.95 (£3.10 approximately) in PDF format . . .

. . . and click the picture below for a sample of the first page of my featured article.

Inspired Eye Magazine - Street Photographer from the UK, Kevin Shelley